Permanent Grounding Solution
Marconite® is the world’s premium electrically conductive material, used as back fill to enhance the effects of earth electrodes.
a) Manufacturer’s recommendations:-
Marconite® aggregate should be mixed in the ratio of 3 parts of Marconite® to 1 part of cement by weight with the addition of 1 liter of water per 5 Kg of total mix i.e.:-
3 bags x 25 = 75 Kgs of Marconite
1 bag x 25 = 25 Kg of Cement 20 liters of water
How to use:
b) Local conditions:-
As tested in CPRI:- Marconite® aggregate should be mixed in the ratio of 2 parts of Marconite® to 1 part of cement by weight with the addition of 0.9 liter of water per 5 Kg of total mix i.e. –
4 bags x 25 = 100 Kgs of Marconite
1 bag x 50 = 50 Kgs of Cement 27 liters of water
Features & Benefits:
High Strength: Its compressive strength is greater than M 25 grade concrete.
• Low Resistivity: Ultra low resistivity 0.001 ohm-m when compared to Bentonite’s 3 ohm-m.
• Easy to use: Simple bore hole is required for precast electrode or in-situ casting of Marconite electrode. It forms a concrete like material that from first pour, achieves a low resistance earth, no need to wait or return to test.
• Versatile: Suitable for all type of soil conditions. It becomes permanent solid structure and is not prone to shrink, dry out, wash away or leach into soil.
• Maintenance Free: It doesn’t need watering or maintain it with water / salts every few years in order to achieve the desired earth values.Its life is 50+ years. Consistent Performance.
•Anti-Static Applications: Marconite is used for anti-static applications.
• Corrosion Free: Chemically inert does not corrode metal conductors Environment-friendly.
• Cost effective: It is a permanent solution. There is no need to remove and replace it.
Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution.
Main Distribution Boards, Motor & Power Panels.
Lightning conductor earthing, Lightning protection system and surge arresters.
Defense Facilities and Equipment.
Anti-Static Applications.
Telecommunications, High-Speed Broadband and Media.
Lightning Arrestor Earthing.
Oil & Gas Production and Distribution Facilities.
Rail, Underground, and Transport Networks.
Sand or sandy soils
Hilly terrain, Rocks or Granite
Salty terrains or sea shores
Water logged areas or River beds
Made up grounds (Landfills)